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Frank DeGise's tribute page:

In Loving Memory of Rita Giannotti

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $715.00

Recent Donors

Mary DeGise

The Juzwa Family

Zoe and Izabella

Ron Colleluori

Hackford Family

Karen Chase

Donna , Katherine and Margaret Panzarino

Coleen M Colleluori


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At Thanksgiving Dinner the conversation turned to Aunt Rita and her ability to make cutlets, even though the kids were young when we visited Flushing they all remembered Aunt Rita cooking for them, especially the potato croquets! They also remembered the snowball fights and forts and Aunt Rita babysitting them at different times over the years! I started thinking that I should start a tribute page to honor my Godmother, who always made me potato croquets, always blamed Linda for something I did wrong and never ever judged anyone! This is my attempt at that! I hope you all enjoy the page and add to it as you see fit!
Love always,

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Veta Oconnell
Tue, Jan 05, 2016
This is this kind of a terrific website. I truly appriecaite all the energy you've put into it. [ ]

Caroline Chase
Fri, Mar 07, 2014
I still go on this website a lot, just to read the memories and have a few laughs and cries. But today is a special day. Happy birthday to my angel in heaven. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss her or think about her. The ache from losing someone you love a lot just doesn't go away. There's been a piece missing in my heart since the day she went. One day I'll be with my best friend again. Happy birthday grandma! I love you

Caroline Chase
Sun, Apr 04, 2010
Happy Easter grandma! I miss you! I hope you have a great Easter in heaven <33 I love you

Frank DeGise
Thu, Aug 13, 2009
Hard to believe it has been a year since you have left us, I can't believe it. We really miss you and we are all thinking of the good times today, which for me includes patotoe croquets of course!! Please watch over us and tell the others we love and miss them too!!

Frank DeGise
Thu, Mar 12, 2009
Wanted to say Happy Birthday! We sure do miss you and all the others that have left us. Thanks for watching over us all, we seem to need it these days!
Love always your godson,

Lisa Cajuste
Wed, Jan 07, 2009
I can't help but think of my own mother when reading these tributes to Rita. It must be something about Italian giving and loving with a TRUE sense of family. I did not know Rita as well as everyone else but I do remember her being very kind to me and made me feel at home whenever I would visit Karen and Eddie. She always had a grandchild in her arms or nearby. She had a great laugh and could cook like nobody's business!! I remember Karen bringing those cutlets and croquets to work with her when she was pregnant with Danielle. Karen always spoke so highly of her Mom...they always had a fun time together....not just mother/daughter but "girlfriends".
Karen had lots of "Ma" stories to tell. It's wonderful that so many people have such fond memories of a woman who put others before herself. She was all about family and helping people. She had to be a wonderful person to be deserving of a tribute. I have known Karen for a number of years, most of them from a distance but we never lost touch and I think that is because she comes from such a wonderful family who keeps friends and family close. Rita raised some wonderful children and grandchildren with great values.
She took care of so many people over the years. She is and will remain an ANGEL. Memories and Tributes will keep her alive......she left a true impression on those who loved her.
God Bless Rita

Caroline Chase
Tue, Dec 30, 2008
Wow,I have a lot of good times with my grandma.She always put a smile on my face.My grandma told me tons of storys. I remember it was a hot sunny day and my grandma Danielle,Nick,and I to go to staples and there was always a hot-dog stand in front of it.So when we got out of staples we went to go buy hot-dogs. I asked for a hot-dog and the next thing I remembered I was on the ground with a hot-dog in my hand. I fainted. My grandma made a man carry me to the car and than she drove home. I had a lot of funny good times with her.My grandma was the best grandma ever. I love you grandma and Happy New Years.
Carolinee <3

Mary DeGise
Tue, Dec 30, 2008
Rita and I had a lot of fun. We were able to find humor in almost every situation. We lived in the same house for a number of years and never got angry with each other, that may not sound like much but under that same roof were Frank, Richie and Linda that was the unbelievable challenge on our relationship! If they didn't break the sister relationship there was nothing out there that could. Rita came and stayed a few nights with Ralph, Josie and I in the Bronx. Rita had a great time, she and I danced and sang and laughed. The three of us spent some really special time together I am sure Ralph and I will not forget them.
I realize that not all families have this "special" bond. Our family gave "unconditional love" a new meaning. The sibling tie is very unique and the older one gets the more and more precious it becomes. I only hope and pray we handed this to our children. The most important legacy we can give our children is to always be there for each other no matter what. I miss you Rita and I always will. You were more than a sister to me you were also my friend.
Your Loving Sister

Colleen Juzwa
Sun, Dec 28, 2008
Mrs. G always had a special kindness and warmth about her. She always made you feel welcome in her home, she made you feel as if you were one of her own. Mrs. G raised a beautiful family, was loved by many and will be missed dearly. However, that same kindness and warmth lives on in her children and her children's children.

Robert & Olga
Fri, Dec 26, 2008
I am getting in trouble for this story
I took Zoe to see Great Grandma
last week and she was unusually good.
When we left, she started crying in the car. When I asked what was wrong she said
she was mad at me: I was supposed to take her to the brown haired Grandma, Rita who loved to dance. She was waiting for her to come out the whole time. I first thanked God that she waited until we left to blurt that out and then I then I had tears in my eyes with her.
I know you would love that story Rita
You were always my favorite
We miss you Grandma
You will live always in our
Hearts and Minds

Linda Petrillo
Thu, Dec 25, 2008
It is Christmas night and I had not been on line in a while, preparing for the holiday has keep me away. I checked my e-mails and found this tribute to my mom. First I would like to thank my cousin frank for establishing this tribute. I also want to thank everyone so far for their donations and kind words. My mom came from a very special family. The love and selfness way that the Colleluori's raised their families is such a gift that all of us should feel very blessed for. My grief over losing her has been difficult these past several months, but I
know that you can only feel such grief when your heart is full of love. Mom I will miss you everday and I will still need you to guide me, so don't think your off the hook just yet. Merry Christmas
Love, Linda

Frank DeGise
Wed, Dec 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Aunt Rita! I got up early this morning and was thinking of Christmas Eve's Past, when you would fry up more fish that an army could eat! How we would wait for nightfall so that we could start pestering you and my Mom to open presents. Waiting for Santa to arrive when we were younger, although granted not that much younger! We miss you but take solace in the fact that you are with Grandma, my Dad and all the others that have left us! Merry Christmas!
Love your godson,

Annabelle Borja
Tue, Dec 23, 2008
Everybody in my family will always remember Rita. She was very special to us. My kids had funny memories of her and the many times she spent with them playing boardgames or listening to their silly things. Whenever we talk about food Rita's potato croquets are always the first one they remember. They love them because they were made with love, the same love that Rita put in everything she did.

Meg Hackford
Mon, Dec 22, 2008
There aren't enough words to describe the love that I hold for grandma Rita. She was truly a one of a kind person, always filled with laughter love and life. No matter what I was upset about, when I walked in the door and saw her all I could do was smile. I remember New Years Eve and spraying silly string everywhere, and when she would pick us up from school on Wendsdays and take us to burger king. I am truly blessed to be able to say that I knew Rita Giannotti and I think of her often. I hope that one day,I can be half the mother, freind and person that she was.

Karen Chase
Sun, Dec 21, 2008
Not everybody can say they had or have a mother like mine. She was the love of my life. She was always there for me and my brothers and sisters. Never ever put herself first. She didn't have a selfish bone in her body. I watched my mother for years work to support her family. She never complained never took a day off, even when sick. She just never stopped. She had so much pride in that little body of hers. She would never ask for anything ever. It was an honor taking care of my mother these last few years. We had our good and bad days but I loved her so much that the Alzheimer's didn't matter I was still proud that she was my mother. I was never embarrassed of her having Alzheimer's and took her everywhere with me from parties to the kids soft ball games. Mom was always pleasant and happy to be around people. I will miss my mother for the rest of my life but I was also so blessed to have had her for a mother.

Donna Panzarino
Fri, Dec 19, 2008
I always looked forward to seeing Aunt Rita because she could turn an otherwise dreary day into a special one. My favorite memories involved her interaction with my dad, Mario. He would constantly tease her and pull the same pranks over and over again. She always gave him the response that he wanted. I sometimes think she did it just to make him happy.
She also was able to make us all feel good about ourselves when most of had little, if any self esteem. When I was about 13, too tall, too skinny and too shy for words, she made me feel like a million bucks each time I was in her presence. I loved you for it then, Aunt Rita and will love you always. Donna

Susan Jensen
Fri, Dec 19, 2008
I knew Rita for over 35 years, but actually only met her face to face when Rich & Laura DeGise were married in Texas. She carried smelly sausage in her carry-on bag to make Richie's favorite meal. I often wondered what the surrounding passengers thought of the strange smell coming from the little Italian lady on their flight.
Through Rita I learned the true love of a mother who worked hard to take care of her mother and her family. She navigated many roadblocks in her life, yet she managed to keep her chin up and she always had a joke to share so you knew she never lost her sense of humor. She was a quiet "hero" to many people and I know she is missed greatly. I will always enjoy hearing stories of her, as I know all of you will. My love to her family, Susan

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