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Annette Estes's tribute page:

Ruth W. Carlisle Tribute Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $100,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $65.00

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Johnny Wilson

ebooks Jan. 2012


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My mother, Ruth W. Carlisle, died on October 23, 2011. She lived with me for 11 years following a stroke. It was hard to watch her mind and body slowly lose their ability to function.

The last year of her life she was unresponsive, couldn't speak, stand, or react. When her eyes were open she stared vacantly at the ceiling.

When she went into a hospice house on October 13th, I moved in with her. One day she was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling and I was standing by her bed talking to her telling her how much I loved her.

At one point, she didn't move her head but turned her eyes and looked directly into mine. Then the bottom corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly.

It was such a gift. She died peacefully on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

I am donating a portion of the sales of my eBooks to the Alzheimer's Association. It is my hope you can and will donate here to help all of us hopefully avoid the ravages of Alzheimer's and other diseases of dementia. I am grateful to those researching prevention who will perhaps someday find a cure for this debilitating condition.

Thank you so much for you compassion and generosity.

Annette Carlisle Estes

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