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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Kristen Stewart's Birthday Fan Project's tribute page:

Kristen Stewart's 25th Birthday Fan Project

Total Number of Gifts: 526
Total Value of Gifts: $27,408.00

Recent Donors

MK - $5.00

Pilyr - $20.00

Kristen Stewart Birthday Project - $5.01

Anonymous - $120.00

NOLAgirl - $25.00

Helena - $7.00

Gretababy1 to fix my 5.01 donation - $5.99

OCD - $7.99

Anonymous - $100.00

Jillian Bogle - $10.00

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

Each year, fans of actress Kristen Stewart come together and raise money for charity in honor of her birthday, which is April 9th. This year, fans voted and have chosen Alzheimer's as the cause they want to contribute to. Kristen is currently appearing in the movie, Still Alice, based on the book by Lisa Genova which is about a woman who is suffering from early onset Alzheimer's disease. Many fans have had loved ones also affected by this disease and want to help find a cure. Our goal is to raise as much money as we can by her birthday.

Last year we raised over $24,000 which made Kristen so happy and proud of us. Let's do it again!

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