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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Steve Dillworth's tribute page:

The Teresa Hicks - Dorothy Dillworth Mother-Daughter Memorial Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 28
Total Value of Gifts: $3,522.00

Recent Donors

Amy Garfinkel


Liza & Eddie

Janine DiCarlo

Nancy Oboyski

Mike Testa

Mimi Pardes

Vishal Bhagwandin

Debra OConnell

Cathy and Ed Weeks

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Alzheimer's has taken a tool on our family. 16 years ago my maternal grandmother, Teresa, passed after a long debilitating battle. Yesterday her daughter, Dorothy, died from the same insidious disease. Alzheimer's takes a wrecking ball to the lives of entire families. We set up this fund to channel frustration into action to help make a difference.

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