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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Stephanie Streader's tribute page:

Eleanor Markarian Memorial Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $730.00

Recent Donors

Ron and Carol Netta

Gordon and Lyn Becktold

Kevin & Cheryl Giacomini

Mom and Dad Streader

jJanet Enguehard

The Grazio Family

Nick, Linda, Nicholas & Hannah

Sandy Connor - Ford Friend

Karen Howlett & family

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On Monday we lost our beloved sister and aunt to Alzheimer's Disease. I can't describe the heartbreak one feels in experiencing this disease with a loved one. Watching her deteriorate as the disease wiped away all of her memories, personality, and everything we loved about her. The heartbreak in seeing the pain she felt from the confusion because until the end of her life, she never stopped wondering, never stopped asking why she couldn't remember.

To honor her memory, I've created this memorial page on behalf of my family. To remember and honor the person she was before Alzheimer's Disease. To do something for others by raising funds for research in hopes that one day they can find a cure.

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