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Al Austin's tribute page:

Joyce Carol Austin Tribute Page

Total Number of Gifts: 23
Total Value of Gifts: $3,180.00

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Gammys grandchildren

Gammy's kids

Bella & Tucker

Carter, Kenz, Palmer, Blake, Kendall

Brian & Jessica Austin


Janice Bures

Paul Riggs

Twin, Bran

Vilex, Inc.

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Joyce, called "Gammy" by her grandchildren, was a loving and caring lady who never put herself before others. She spent her life dedicated to serving others and liked to surround herself with children's laughter. The dementia crept in at an early age which did sadly change her quality of life. However, she remained the same kind and compassionate lady through it all including her last days. My brother and I were blessed to have our mother's loving care and warmth as she looked over us growing up. She was always there for our practices and games, and yet found time to be heavily involved in the church including Sunday school teaching, Meals on Wheels, etc. She bravely fought and survived breast cancer in her early 30's, then again at a later age. She never complained about anything and was always involved in breast cancer survivor walks and support programs, not for herself but for all the others. That is just who she was, always taking a backseat to others who she thought needed help, assistance or kindness.
My 5 children, ages 6-14, adored their Gammy. After my wife and I had children, my mom was called Gammy. Gammy channeled all of her love and compassion towards my children. Her life was centered around them, seeing them, holding and watching them and just trying to be as much a part of their lives as possible. If we were going out to dinner, my mom would rather play with the kids and read to them instead of going out with the adults. Formality was not of interest to her; spending as much time with my children was all she wanted to do and unfortunately, my children have lost one of their biggest advocates. Gammy will be the angel that watches over them and I know will continue to watch over them because we need that love and compassion that only our Gammy could provide.
My brother's wife is pregnant and due in the spring of 2017. Gammy will no doubt be watching over him and his new family. I only wish his child could have experienced the same love our Gammy expressed to our children but I know my mother will have angels watching over what she wishes she could have held in her arms.

Our prayers will always be with our mother and Gammy. We were blessed to have her in our lives, as she not only touched our lives but so many others. She is now with God and her mother, who she dearly missed. Heaven is a better place with our Gammy looking over us.

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