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Total Gifts:

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Gretchen Lainez's tribute page:

Margaret H. Nelson Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 29
Total Value of Gifts: $3,703.00

Recent Donors

Weezie & Bink Garrison

The Petrane Family

Wendy Roth

Kate and Skip Manning

Lisa and Jesse Mark

Chad P. LaBonte

The Foxx Family

Kim and Claire O'Farrell

The Garbayo Family

Kathanne H. Webster

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After being diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s in her 50’s, Margaret Nelson was taken from us way too early. Over the past several years we’ve learned that this 6th leading cause of death in the US is in the early stages of being understood. We are hopeful one day a treatment may be identified such that future generations can live a longer life despite being diagnosed with this disease or even be cured.

This Fund honors Margaret H. Nelson from Minneapolis, MN and Cape Cod, MA, mother of Christian, Erik, Gretchen and Scott.

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