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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Max Engel's tribute page:

The du Pont Family Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 7
Total Value of Gifts: $7,300.00

Recent Donors

Diane Stansbury

Mr. & Mr. Paul Haigney

Ms. Alice Coogan

William Helman

Dr. Jane M. Rabb

Mr. & Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner

Mr. John Davis Gates Jr.

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Natalie du Pont Edmonds Fair established the du Pont Family fund in 2014 in honor of her father, George Phippen Edmonds Jr, who has Alzheimer's disease. The fund works to support the Alzheimer's Association by raising awareness of the disease and funding research, prevention, and caregiver support. It is our goal to help prevent future generations of our family and friends from being stricken by Alzheimer's.

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