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Wahl Channel Crossing

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Fund Photo Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $20,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 110
Total Value of Gifts: $17,121.00

Recent Donors

Michel and Barbara Bernier - $120.00

Cynthia Nelson - $15.00

Nessa Weinberg - $35.00

Paul & Kimi Wells - $50.00

Dave and Enid Beitzel - $120.00

In memory of Bruce and Sally Brown - $2,000.00

martagonzalezfreire - $80.00

Anne Goodman James - $20.00

Peter and Sally Nadel - $60.00

Renee Bendrick and Family - $100.00

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Wahl Channel Crossing

On July 22, 2014,
we are setting out on an amazing adventure. We will attempt to join the ranks as the first three sibling team to each make a successful swim crossing of the English Channel, side by side. We have set a goal of raising over $20,000 dollars for Alzheimer’s research. Alzheimer’s is a horrible disease that affects millions of Americans each year. We firmly believe that scientists and physicians will develop better treatments and undoubtedly, a cure for Alzheimer’s.. We are asking for your help in contributing to this last push to develop better treatments and a cure for Alzheimer’s.

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Records 1 - 25 of 31

Mon, Jan 04, 2016
Nhu cầu trang tri noi that chọn được những cái man cua giá phải chăng mà đẹp cho diện tích của ḿnh là điều mà phần lớn người mong muốn. Bạn đang t́m tậu những cái rèm cửa giá thấp cho gia đ́nh? Bạn đang phân vân lựa mua shop nào uy tín trong vô số những địa chỉ bạn mang thể tậu thấy. Tự hào là đơn vị đi đầu trong việc cung cấp rèm cửa giá thấp luôn mang lại cho bạn các trải nghiệm xuất sắc nhất ngay chính căn pḥng của bạn.. Chúng tôi c̣n cung cấp cho các bạn dịch vu tu van thiet ke noi that về thiet ke noi that chung cu - thiet ke noi that can ho hay nhu cầu về thiet ke noi that van phong hay những công tŕnh lơn như thiet ke noi that biet thu - thiet ke noi that nha hang . Với những mẫu nha dep với kiểu dáng nha dep 2016 mới nhất. Với nhưng vật dụng trang trí noi that do go quư giá đầy nghệ thuật. Những kiểu dáng thiet ke noi that showroom - thiet ke noi that nha ong luôn mang lại cho khách hàng công ty oz luôn mang sự hài ḷng nhất đến khách hàng.

The Schenk Family
Wed, Jul 23, 2014
Wishing all of you a safe & successful swim journey.! You're an inspiration to all of us. The Schenk Family

Bob Oliver
Mon, Jul 21, 2014
so proud of what you 3 are doing. I was apart of your family before you were born, then watched as you grew.
I love swimming and have been racing on and off for 50 plus years. I honor your swimming feat and wish the best for the 3 of you
What I know is swimming gets tough .... with the 3 of your swim off each others strengths and you will be successful. Encourage each other to be the best you can be.
Ok so proud of you 3 and go for it!!
Bob O.

Natalie Becker
Sun, Jul 20, 2014
Good luck to you all!!! You are an inspiration to me. I am a Master's swimmer and enjoy swimming. Have done 1-2 mile swims in the ocean and lakes so really, really appreciate what you are doing and how much work and time that you have put into this! Hope you make it across in really good time and stay safe. Your Dad is our dentist. Have shared your store with friends, husband,and my young daughters. Best wishes!

Tyrone Reed
Tue, Jul 15, 2014
UNBELIEVABLE ! I read the article in the Washington Post today. You guys are going to make history. Think of touching the shores of France along the way... then go eat a HUGE CROSSOINT !!! Then go eat chocolate and enjoy a HUGE milkshake.You earned it,man you earned it !!!

Jeanne Kleinman Williams
Tue, Jul 08, 2014
I was certainly moved by your story I read in the paper today. As a speech-
language pathologist for forty years who has worked with patients having symptoms you spoke of, as well as being a senior citizen myself, it is encouraging to read about young people who want to make a difference.

Thank you for the commitment you are making.
Jeanne Kleinman Williams, MACCCSLP
Speech-Language Pathologist

Howard Lester
Tue, Jul 08, 2014
Good luck to the three of you! Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Estelle would have been so proud of you!

Rebecca Sloan
Mon, Jul 07, 2014
You guys are all amazing ! We will be praying for smooth waters and beautiful skies for the swim. Keep positive and know that ups and downs will occur. But you will have more ups than downs. Do the Neemo thing: JUST KEEP SWIMMING JUST KEEP SWIMMING JUST KEEP SWIMMING...before you know it, you will be touching the shores of France ! GO WAHL TEAM !!!!

Gelareh A
Sun, Jul 06, 2014
This is a great cause. Good luck to you three siblings!

The Hale Family
Sun, Jul 06, 2014
We are so proud of all three courageous Walhs and may the wind be at your backs!

Linda Cyruss
Sat, Jul 05, 2014
What a great thing to do ! May God bless you as you cross !

Reeve Sanders
Mon, Jun 30, 2014
Anyone can do it if the mind is put to it !!! Greatest of luck. Thank you for doing this for a great cause.

Taylor Family
Sun, Jun 29, 2014
This is WONDERFUL. Best of luck in your endeavors. We will be cheering for you !

Richard Beldry
Wed, Jun 25, 2014
What an adventure ! You are brave--and all for such a great cause. Get to France ! Congratualations to an awesome team of siblings ! Way to go !

Martain Leling
Mon, Jun 23, 2014
go GO GO Wahl kids...get to France to help all with Alzheimer's. You are all AMAZING !!! Selfless people fullmof compassion and love for others...rare breeds who make the difference in our world !

Larry & Cheryl Finkbeiner
Mon, Jun 23, 2014
May the words of Isaiah 40:31 apply to your swim and give you great success.
But they that "wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint." But in your case..swim!

Patrica Eastwood
Tue, Jun 17, 2014
YOU GO SIBS ! I am donating at the end of this month--saving some of my paychecks each week and I will press the donate button for this incredible journey of yours. What a heat felt group to raise this money. You are AMAZING Wahl siblings ! GO, GO, GO !!!

mario vargas
Fri, May 30, 2014
good luck to all ! I read about this and you are all amazing ! I will donate in about two weeks once I get my paycheck. You all are doing such a great deed for everyone who suffers from this hell disease. My grandmother passed from it, and she had no idea what was afflicting her. FIND A CURE ! God Bless you all.

Marille Stinebook
Tue, May 27, 2014
What a great thing to do ! Get to France !

A Healthy Smile Dental Center and Joe Wilson
Wed, May 21, 2014
Take a hot shower when you get to France, Wahl kids. YOU ARE AMAZING !

andrea Wahl
Wed, May 21, 2014
Best of Luck to you all !

Lynn Walker
Fri, May 16, 2014

Jil Geller
Tue, May 13, 2014
Go Team Dahl!!! I look forward to hearing about your success and wish you calm waters and weak currents. In my book getting your big toe in that water qualifies as success and here you are also raising money for such a worthy cause!

Mrs. Carter
Mon, May 12, 2014
Good luck on this fantastic journey. You are a brave group of siblings to take this on...and what kind hearts that you have to do this. It is such a worthy cause. May God bless you all and give you the strength to get to France. Go Wahl kids !!

Referees in Colorado Springs
Fri, Apr 18, 2014
Go Wahl kids-- you will do great..a family of fish. Get to France and pat yourselves on the back for a job well done for such a terrific cause. So generous of you to do this to raise money for ALzheimer's. Let's wipe out this dreadful disease !

Records 1 - 25 of 31

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