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Smith Siblings's tribute page:

Sandra Kay Smith Honorary Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $700.00

Recent Donors

Bruce Singer

David & Mary Romagosa

Donette P. Thomas

John & Linda Semmes

Garnett Family


Mary and Scott Townsend, San Antonio, Texas

Your Friends at Sunny Delight

Justin & Susan Rank

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Sandra "Kay" Smith is also known by her 5 children, 5 grandchildren, 2 sisters, and dear friends as the precious "Kay Kay." Kay was born on March 2, 1947 and diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers at the age of 58. Kay will always be remembered for having the sweetest spirit, giving the best hugs, and being devoted to prayer for anyone and everyone in need. Preceding the disease, she was a teacher, an artist, an avid Bible Study member, and Stay-at-Home Mom who invested all of her time into encouraging others. She was incredibly supportive and devoted to her loving husband of 43 years, Larry Alvin Smith, who remained her caregiver until the time of his passing on January 4, 2012. This tribute fund was started in honor of his love and commitment to her as well as to make a difference in the lives of all those also affected by the disease.

In loving memory of Larry Smith - Lar, Dad, Daddy, Pops, Pappy, and Papay

Praying for a world without Alzheimer's disease!

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