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Karla Ullrich's tribute page:

Cogie Germer Tribute

Photo Pages

Fund Photo Page

Total Number of Gifts: 4
Total Value of Gifts: $250.00

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Trisha and Toni Bair

Gillian Fisher

Korey Ullrich and Kari Sutter

Stuart Geller

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On August 13, 1937 a redheaded bundle of joy named Cogie Fae was born to Temple and Willie Fae Rogers in Robstown,Texas. She married her high school sweetheart Dick Germer and they raised their family in Robstown, before moving to the family ranch in Hebbronville, Texas. Later they retired to Goliad, Texas until her passing on July 28, 2009.
Her love for kids inspired her to become a school teacher and she returned to college at UCC to get her teaching degree while raising her family. Later she would attend Texas A&I University to complete her masters degree.
Cogie had three children, Karla, Kevin and Kerra. She also had seven grandchildren, Korey, Levi, Rita, Hunter, Harley, Kade, and Abbygale.
Her family in no way stops there. Cogie helped raise many children throughout her life. Her home was surrounded by many kids and many animals of all species. Throughout her life there was always a special dog sharing her lap and bed.
Her joy for life and amazing generosity kept her surrounded by her extended family and many friends throughout her life. After retirement Dick and Cogie were able to travel extensively spending quality time together.
Although she will be missed dearly, her family is thankful she is at peace and with her soul mate for eternity.

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