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2024 Alzheimer's Association Memory Ball Dancing Stars

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My earliest memories of my grandfather are of his sense of humor. “You think you can sit next to me for free? To sit here you’ll need to pay a quarter”, he would joke as he took a quarter out of his pocket to cover my fee. I remember feeling disappointed and confused as I got older and saw my grandfather’s cognitive ability fade. My grandfather, Charles Wright Cox, lived a full life, served in WWII, and had a family who loved him dearly. He battled Alzheimer’s for years before he passed when I was 11.  I'm dancing for Pappa!


The invitation to dance at this year’s Memory Ball caught me by surprise, but as think about the importance of what we are doing and how the funds raised will contribute to the health and blessing of so many families, I’m honored to be included in such a worthy event.  I’m also dancing on behalf of Avila Home Care, where I proudly serve, alongside an amazing team of people. It is our hope to provide excellent and compassionate care to seniors who need assistance to live and thrive in their homes. Many of the families we serve have had the painful and exhausting experience of caring for their loved one battling Alzheimer’s. We’re raising money with the hope that Alzheimer’s Dementia is one less thing robbing us of life and joy.


So, as I try to learn how to dance while doing my best to avoid a pulled hamstring, would you consider joining my team with a donation to go towards the fight against Alzheimer’s. Thank you!

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