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2024 Alzheimer's Association Memory Ball Dancing Stars

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I want to thank you all so much for visiting my website . It’s with great honor to announce I will be one of the dancing stars performing on April 6th 2024 at the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Ball to help raise funds to advance Alzheimer’s research, patient and caregiver support, advocacy and awareness of this devastating disease. 

I was inspired by my very good friend and in many ways my mother here in United States Terry Beauford, she’s one of the most selfless human being I’ve ever met in my entire life. After losing several close family members and friends to Alzheimer’s, her devotion to this cause, as well as her commitment and her incredible work ethic, allowed her to make a huge contribution to the organization by raising over $160,000.00 dollars in 2023, which is changing lives and helping us move the needle.

Currently, more than 6.7 million Americans have Alzheimer's and that number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million by 2050. Our collective future is at stake unless we can find a way to change the course of this disease.

So, how can YOU help?? The families suffering with Alzheimer’s and I need your support! Please make a donation, big or small, to help fight this terrible disease. The Memory Ball is a fun and entertaining event, so also consider purchasing tickets attend the event.

I know a cure  will happen much more quickly when incredible people like you provide funds for the much-needed research. Every dollar donated is a chance to make a difference! Please support me and my dance partner, Igor Kiselev, in our efforts to bring raise money and provide a wonderful show to the dance floor on the night of the event. I really hope you can come and join us… 

Simply click the Vote Now or Become a Sponsor or Purchase Tickets button on my page and make a difference to people’s lives. And thank you again for your donation to support this very worthy cause. The end of Alzheimer's and all forms of dementia begins right here, right now!


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