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2024 Macon's Got Talent


Welcome to Annessa Thompson's page

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36 percent of goal achieved.
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Annessa Thompson was raised in the Cochran, GA area, and moved to Middle Georgia during her freshman year of high school to continue her dance education. She was homeschooled most of her high school career and recently graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Bachelor of Arts in Dance. She hopes to continue her education here at Mercer University and pursue a career in the medical field. 

During her time in the Middle Georgia area, she received her dance training at the Madison Dance Studio, where she performed roles such as, Sugar Plum Fairy, Odette/Odile, and many other roles. Along with this, she had the opportunity to perform with other organizations in Middle Georgia such as, Middle Georgia Youth Ballet, and The Nutcracker of Middle Georgia, where she performed the roles of Clara, Marzipan, and many others. 

During her time at Kennesaw State, she continued her dance career and performed in Kennesaw State Dance Department’s Dance Company numerous times. She also participated in the Alabama Dance Festival w/ KSU’s Dance Company. 

Annessa’s family has been directly impacted by this disease called dementia/Alzheimer’s. She watched first hand how greatly it impacted her grandmother, who taught her so many things like baking, sewing, cooking, and crocheting.  It was difficult for her to watch her grandmother lose the ability to do so many of the things that she loved to do daily. 

Not only has this opportunity given Annessa a reason to dance again, but she hopes to bring awareness to how serious this disease can affect people and their families, as well as become more educated about the disease herself. 


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