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Concetta Herigstad's tribute page:

Jerry A. DeRosa Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $105.00

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Doris Smith & Family



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Jerry A. DeRosa was a ray of sunshine to all who knew him.
Born in Brooklyn, NY to Italian immigrants, John and Concetta DeRosa on May 4th 1918.
He was a veteran who served his country for 24 years in both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Naval air reserves. He fought courageously from the decks of the USS Buck, USS Arkansas and the USS Enterprise during W.W.II.

After his service to our wonderful country was over he continued to serve our country by carrying the U.S. Mail. He became known to all his patrons as the "whistling mailman", spreading sunshine wherever he went, with a kind word, a song or a simple smile for all those he met.

He first started showing signs of Alzheimer's about 10 years ago. Praise the lord it progressed slowly at first. The official diagnosis came 4 years ago. With the help of medication and a wonderful therapy center, he was able to live at home with his wife until August 2009, at which time they both moved to an assisted living facility.

Our Family would like to thank all who donate to the research and treatment of this disease in Jerry's name.

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