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Suzanne Thompson's tribute page:

Support MOS Bone Brigade!

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

In one way or another Alzheimer's has affected members our organization as well as patients be it caring for a loved family member or friend.

My Grandmother has Alzheimer's and its been prevelent in her family, with two other siblings who have already passed away. We have staff members who have family with Alzheimer's, as well as patients we care for who've been affected by Alzheimer's. The cost for taking care of a senior with Alzheimer's can be 3 times more than the average medicare patient!

Please support our sponsor and cause to raise funds towards supporting community programs and research to End Alzheimer's!

We appreciate any donation!

Suzanne and the MOS Bone Brigade!

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