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Total Gifts:

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Kimberly Kravetz's tribute page:

"In loving memory of Rick Kravetz"

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,999.00

Total Number of Gifts: 36
Total Value of Gifts: $2,174.00

Recent Donors

Bob Weiss

Jan & John Murphy

Sandra Amato

Evelyn Sinsel

Mike and Libby Conjura

Paul Armbrust

Michael & Henry

Momma Hutch and Jim

Doug Schneider

Ken & Carol Knight

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Rick loved riding his motorcycle and he dedicated his life to riding, traveling, and making friends everywhere he went.

In the fall of 1978 he survived a horrific bike accident that involved a severe head injury. Thanks to the skilled doctors and nurses, who provided excellent care, he did go on to have a full and productive life. But that accident was the fore shadow of things to come.

He was never particularly good at remembering things, but he made up for it with organizational skills that allowed him to be a self-employed painting contractor which included painting for the McDonald's Corporation. This gave him the freedom to travel, which was always his first love.

In the fall of 2013, after surgery for a torn rotator cuff, he was disoriented and did not seem to be recovering from the effects of the anesthesia. Shortly after the surgery, we got the diagnosis of early onset of Alzheimer's. Clearly the earlier head trauma had increased the chances for this diagnosis. In addition, we found out that he carries a genetic marker that also points to increased risk. Finally, we uncovered a family history of dementia.

It was a crushing blow for him because suddenly he was not allowed to drive. Not knowing how quickly the disease would progress, we tried to make life as normal for him as we possibly could. In 2014 we traveled to all parts of the country visiting family and friends along the way. In hindsight, it was challenging, but also a very good year for him.

In the fall of 2014, testing uncovered another diagnosis, Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD). It is another form of dementia that attacks the front part of the brain which is responsible for cognitive and motor skills. In March of 2015, Rick needed more care than could be provided for him at home. We found a wonderful community that cared for him through the end of his life.

We are grateful that he lived his life on his own terms and did what he wanted to do. Rick always said,"Home is where my hat is!" His last bike was a 1999 Honda Goldwing, hence the fundraising goal for this account in the amount of $1,999.00.

We remember all who are battling Alzheimer's. A special thanks goes out to all his caregivers as they did an incredible job ensuring that he was loved and allowed to live with dignity. Join us and support the research to find a cure for this devastating disease.

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