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Total Gifts:

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Donna Washington's tribute page:

Gwen Washington - Gwendolyn Washington - Gwendolyn Yvonne Washington

Total Number of Gifts: 18
Total Value of Gifts: $1,650.00

Recent Donors

Maura H

Tammy Wylie

Rebecca and Warren Stephens

Levoda Walker


Ruchi S

Brandy Martin

Darith Klibanow and Trevor Stephens

The Hiner Family

Karon & Shirley Weisner

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A Bright Light In this World

Gwen Washington illuminated the world with her joy. She raised seven children on three continents. She was the epitome of an officer's wife. She loved celebrations and her home was always the jewel of the neighborhood. Most of all, she was an artist with an eye for beauty. She was an entrepreneur who ran a specialty cake-decorating business before it was cool! In her sixties, she took up painting and created her first mural. She was the lynchpin that held our family secure. A beloved sister, wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. We will miss her every day.

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