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Khanh Hoa Museum
Among these are many precious objects with In the museum there are several symbol object collections such as: Stone Axes Collection; Stone Adornment Collection that belongs to the Con Hamlet Culture (3,500 years ago); Nha Trang Bronze Drum Collection (dated back 2,000 years ago); Champa Stone Carving Collection (between the 9th century to the 14th century); Ancient Money Collection (between the 9th century to the 18th century); Commercial Ceramic Collection (between the 9th century to the 18th century); the collection of weapons in the war against French and American.
The displaying system is on the themes: the ancient culture in Khanh Hoa; the revolutionary struggle traditions of the Khanh Hoa people and Khanh Hoa Party Committee; the life and the work of President Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969); the theme of Vietnamese Heroine Mothers of Khanh Hoa Province.
Every year, Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum receives more than 20,000 foreign and domestic visitors. At the same time, the museum is published several researching value works, such as a series research books: "Khanh Hoa - a cultural aspect of a region", "Con Hamlet Culture"which were highly apprised by the domestic scientists.
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