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Joy Wise's tribute page:

Angelo Family against Alzheimer's

Photo Pages

Fund Photo Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $1,110.00

Recent Donors

Adams Family

The Adams

Adams Family

The Adams

The Adams

Adams Family

The Family

The Loving Family of Marcus and Ruby

Debe and Jack Edwards

Karen Bull

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Love, love, love . . . that's what we all need. Your loved one with Alzheimer's Disease needs love now more than ever!

How do I know? My parents, Marcus and Ruby Angelo, have both been stricken with this dread disease. As I've cared for them over the years, I've seen these vital, loving, independent people . . . who lived, loved, worked & raised their large family . . . go through the stages of Alzheimer's Disease. I've seen them regress from adult to teen to toddler to infant. It has been quite a journey for all of us. We lost our Pop on March 3, 2009, but Mom continues her fight against this terrible enemy.

There is no cure for Alzheimer's Disease. But there are things you can do to make the lives of AD patients better. Show them how much you love them. Visit often . . . even if you only have 10 minutes to spend with your loved one, believe me it will be 10 minutes well spent. And make a donation to help fight this enemy that robs the people we love of their memories, their talents, their independence and their dignity.

Your donation, no matter how small or large, can make a difference.

Thank you!

Guest Book

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Renee Adams
Fri, Nov 29, 2013
I miss you so much mom and dad.

Renee Adams
Wed, Dec 21, 2011
I miss you so much. I miss you all year long, but even more so right now. Love you.

Karen Bull
Sun, Mar 22, 2009
Joy, I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Marcus. My heart is with you. I know the devastation of the disease. Roger's Mom fought for over 15 years. God bless you. karen

Judy F. Boudreaux
Fri, Mar 20, 2009
A wonderful way to honor mom and pop. Hope donations come in to help with this mind stealing disease. And how heart breaking it is to love ones change before your eyes.

Toni Bradley
Thu, Mar 19, 2009
Hi! I was scrolling through the tributes and came across yours. I just want to tell you that you've done a great job! Love is eternal & is the best gift we can give to anyone in this life. Now you have a champion in spirit because of the love you chose to give. May the light of your candle shine brightly for the world!

Debe Edwards
Thu, Mar 19, 2009
Mom and Pops would be proud!!!
Love You!!

Brenda Knecht
Wed, Mar 18, 2009

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