It's not always about Reindeer

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It's not always about Reindeer

I work at a facility that has an Assisted Living Annex. We always participate in the festivities of the Holdiays with the residents. A few years ago, we had a tree trimming one evening. The residents were asked to tell about one of their favorite Christmas past while adding an ornament to the tree. One lady had a camel in her hand and I kept wondering if it were from her honeymmon, a zoo trip, etc. I got pleasantly surprised once I heard he rstory. The room shared their stories and a meek lady who never spoke began to tell her story. She said all these stories were very interesting but we did not see it like that as children. We were raised where the stories were not about reindeer but Camels. She told the story of how both her and her brother knew that Saint Nicholas always was near because of the camel droppings on their front lawn. The room began looking around at each other and this kind, calm lady burst out in laughter and said for years her Papa would drive for hours to find a horse owner and scoop up several boxes of "camel pooh" and the night before Christmas would put it out in piles on their lawn each year. Long after her Father passed, her mother finally told them the story behind the Camels who carried Saint Nicolas around to all the homes to the children who had been good that year. To see the child like glow on this precious lady's face always come to mind here this time of year and I will always cherish knowing her for a short time but will try and never forget that it is about the small things our loved ones do to make our Holidays unforgettable that we can long remember and passing along these cherished stories is far more priceless than any bought gift can bring.