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I had just set my Father down to the table for dinner, one evening in June.

I remember it so clearly because I had come home easrly with a huge box of Prom programs that I needed to have assembled for a Prom the next night.

Straight to the kitchen table I went and turned on the t.v., "I love Lucy was playing.
I quickly got dinner on the table and as I sat Dad down I noticed, his feet were bare so i quickly got a pair of socks and grabbed his slippers and placed them in the chair beside him at the table.

As I served him dinner i said Daddy, your feet must be freezing, why don't you put your socks and slippers on?  So he started to do just that.

I hastely moved into the other side of the room where I was hurridly assembling the Programs when I just happened to glance over at Dad.

He was contently looking at the T.V. and eating his meal with bothe of his socks and slippers all on one foot......................

So I say to him, "Daddy you've got to put some on the other foot so it can be warm too."
To which he replied: "There was no one here to tell me what to do......then pointing at the T.V. he says, "and they were talking to each other...................."