My Grandma Evie

My Grandma Evie
My Grandma Evie

Her favorite holiday

My grandmother, Evelyn "Evie" Bischoff suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. She died on December 24, 2009 after 17 years with the disease. It was fitting that she died on Christmas Eve because Christmas was her favorite holiday. She enjoyed family and loved spending time with her family. It was her unselfish love that she gave to everyone around her. She even stepped in to help her sister-in-law when her brother lost his life in Vietnam. Her family recieved noticed that he died December 24, 1965. She was especially close to her older brother and never forgot him. My grandma loved decorating the house for CHristmas. She had hundreds of Santas. She was always the life of the party. She knew how to have fun and to enjoy every minute of every day. She inspires me to live life to the fullest and to never give up. It was because of ALzheimer's that allowed her family to grow even closer and to never take each other for granted. She is one of my angels watching over me and she helped to mold me to the woman I have become.