Researchers discover new protein that may play role in Alzheimer’s disease
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July 23, 2014
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Researchers discover new protein that may play role in Alzheimer’s disease
Exactly why Alzheimer's disease develops is still unknown, but research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® 2014 (AAIC®) last week reported a new protein that potentially may play a role. Researchers said what they don’t yet know is whether the protein, called TDP-43, is a cause of Alzheimer’s or develops due to the disease. TDP-43 has previously been linked to ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and other brain diseases. Additional research is necessary to clarify its role in Alzheimer’s.

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Siblings hope to swim the English Channel to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's
Danielle, Devin and Dustin Whal hope to become the first trio of siblings to swim the English Channel. (Originally scheduled for July 22, their attempt has been postponed due to weather.) They’re not doing it solely to achieve a record — the Whals want to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s among young people as well as funds to help fight the disease that has impacted their family.
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