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eNewsletter: APRIL 2017



Maine’s public policy volunteers are returning from the 2017 Alzheimer's Association Advocacy Forum in Washington D.C. after joining a record number of 1,300 Alzheimer’s advocates nationwide. Our advocates met with all Maine federal representatives and asked them to support increased funding for Alzheimer’s research by an additional $414 million in fiscal year 2018 and to pass the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) (S. 693/H.R. 1676). This act would ensure an adequate, well-trained palliative care workforce through workforce training, education and awareness, and enhanced research. We send a very special thanks to your volunteer Maine ambassadors and advocates for their dedication and work in public policy.

(L to R) Seated: Cathy Walters, LuAnn Ballasteros, Susan Flagg Charette, Deb Johnson, Laurie Trenholm. Standing: Patrick D. O’Neil, Marge Kilkelly, Mike Vittum, Josh Sawyer, Betty Martin, Felicia Garant, John Pulver, Mike Hartt, Mary Dysart Hartt.

Contact: | 207.772.0115

Bob O’Keefe, Maine Chapter and National Board Member’s story is told by Senator Collins during the opening of the public hearing. Click here to watch the US Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing on March 29, 2017>>

Take action! Click here to become an advocate>>


The Longest Day is June 21st

Avita of Stroudwater in Westbrook knows how to have fun. This year, they are hosting a fun outdoor event for residents, family, and friends. Take Me Out to the Ball Game features an outdoor screening of the Boston Red Sox Game, hot dogs, burgers, popcorn and drinks. A game day ticket also includes entry in a raffle for great prizes, in addition to food and a seat to the game. All proceeds from the ticket sales go to Avita of Stroudwater’s Longest Day team and benefit the Alzheimer’s Association.

Lea Rust is the organizer of Avita of Stroudwater’s team. She says, “The Longest Day is a wonderful opportunity to stand against the fight to end Alzheimer’s. As an advocate, family member and dedicated professional starting a team to me means recognizing awareness is needed, lives are meant to be fulfilled, and our fight will not end until there is a cure.” Last year, residents, family members and associates participated in a 9-hole mini golf tournament right on the Avita of Stroudwater campus for The Longest Day.

The sky is the limit. Do what you love and honor a loved one. Participate in The Longest Day by starting or joining a team. 

Contact: | 207.249.8962



Register for a Walk to End Alzheimer's

Mike Vittum is the captain of Team Frannie V at the Eastern Maine Walk to End Alzheimer's in Bangor.  He says, "We all dream and work hard all of our lives for the day where we can retire, spoil grandchildren, travel, and enjoy the fruits of your labor." But as his mom started to deteriorate, Mike's family was faced with the hardest decision of their lives. When the woman he knew as mom needed 24/7 care and became frustrated with herself and those around her, the decision to match her with a memory care facility was imminent.  Mike walks in hopes of finding the first survivor so other families will not have to face tough decisions like this. 

Register your team today for one of our seven walks throughout the state. It only takes a few minutes to re-activate a team, join a team, or register as an individual. 

Contact: | | 800.272.3900

Click here to register for the Walk to End Alzheimer's>>



Mindful Mobility Sanford

This fitness program is presented by the YMCA of Sanford-Springvale in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, Maine Chapter’s Early-Stage Social Programs. This free program features eight, one-hour weekly class sessions led by trained fitness instructors. The exercises focus on gentle stretching, mobility, balance and strength training. There will be a Mindful Mobility information session on April 12, 2017 from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Trafton Senior Center, 19 Elm Street in Sanford. The series runs from April 19 to June 7, 2017. 

UNE Exercise for Dementia

This fitness program is open to qualifying individuals living with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias or memory challenges and their care partners. Cost: $40 per couple for eight weekly sessions (about $5.00 per session). Early sign-up is encouraged since a limited number of participants will be accepted. Program participation is private and confidential. The UNE Exercise for Dementia series takes place at the Finley Recreation Center, 716 Stevens Avenue in Portland. The series begins on April 26 and runs until June 14, 2017.

Our Early-Stage Social Programs are specifically designed for those diagnosed with dementia and their care partners. The programming offers meaningful activity in friendly, supportive environments. Screening may be required to determine if the program is appropriate for potential participants. Advance registration required. 

Contact: | 207.772.0115



While living with dementia, it is essential to have a support team. Day centers provide an invaluable service for caregivers who want their loved one to remain at home. Adult day centers offer care partner respite while providing people with Alzheimer's and related dementias social opportunities and stimulating activities in a safe and supportive environment. Many programs include exercise, care assistance, and health monitoring. In addition to dependable respite, they provide education, counseling, and a chance for family and friends to meet other caregivers. Programs also enable the person with dementia to become comfortable in group settings, which is helpful for future transitions to residential care.

Adult day programs are offered in more than 40 communities in Maine.

Contact: | 800.272.3900

Click here to find a day center in your community>>

Click here to learn more about adult day centers>> 

Call 800.272.3900 or 207.772.0115 for more information regarding the stories featured in this enewsletter, support and services available in your area, or with any questions you may have regarding Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. For dates and locations of upcoming events please visit the Maine Chapter Calendar >>

Maine Chapter Resource Links

      About Our Chapter>>      Contact Us>>      Helping You>>  
      Advocate>>      Donate>>      Support Groups>>  
      Caregiver Center>>       Education Programs >>      Walk to End Alzheimer's>>    The Longest Day>>




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About the Alzheimer's Association, Maine Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research. The Alzheimer's Association, Maine Chapter serves the entire State of Maine from its Scarborough office. There are more than 27,000 families in Maine who are affected by Alzheimer's disease. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research, to provide and enhance care and support for all affected, and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s.

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