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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

The Bundy Family's tribute page:

Russell T. Bundy

Remembering Russ

Russ Bundy Photo Album

Total Number of Gifts: 21
Total Value of Gifts: $5,190.00

Recent Donors

Russel T Bundy

Douglas Goff

Linda Gieser & Family

Jared and Wendi Ebbing

Jim and Joanie Blum

Tom Bundy & Pat Meehan

PNC Bank, Central Ohio Team

Carmine Piantedosi - Piantedosi Baking Co.

Janice & Matt Little

Jim, Matthew, Hannah and Sarah Menger

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Russ was the founder of Russell T. Bundy Associates, the precursor to Bundy Baking Solutions (Urbana, OH) as well as a respected leader and legend in the industrial baking industry. Born with an innate ability to connect with people and an entrepreneurial spirit, Russ was always quick to extend a hand of friendship and accept new adventures. His authentic generosity of spirit, infectious enthusiasm for life, and unwavering dedication to his family and the baking industry will be his legacy. The cherished relationships he had with family, friends, bakers, industry colleagues and his team members alike, speak to the character of Russ and how he earned the love, respect and loyalty of those who knew him.

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