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Total Gifts:

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Kelly Espinosa's tribute page:

Miles Riley

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $335.00

Recent Donors

Ray and Pat Rohde

Nonaka Family


The Riley's

Lisa Davis

The Fortner Family

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

Miles was the most thoughtful and loving husband, dad, Papa, Great-Papa, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, and Friend. His younger years were spent with family and friends enjoying the outdoors, golfing, fishing, and camping. Well into his 80's, he enjoyed being one of the Modesto Vintage Faire Mall's most faithful walkers, walking up to 14 miles a day. He was known in his hometown neighborhood for his warm smile, friendly greetings to everyone he encountered, and his fist pump handshake. His love for fitness and socializing enabled him to stay active for all but the past two years of his life, where Alzheimer's settled in. Although this disease is a thief, it did not steal Miles' gentle soul, beautiful smile, or his love for the Lord. Our loss here on earth was Heaven's gain on September 19th, 2019. Love you Pop.

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