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Total Gifts:

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Melanie Reed's tribute page:

Lou Sisneros

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $145.00

Recent Donors

Debbie Chase

Jennie & Justin Young

Kevin Kamalu

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Alzheimer's and dementia did not only affect Lou, but her mother, sister and now another sibling as well as 6 million other Americans with that number projected to double if no cure is found.
Lou was passionate about her fight against this disease and the family is grateful for the donations made on her behalf for this important cause effecting 1 in 3 seniors who will die with Alzheimer's or another dementia. This disease kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Support does not have to be financial if you have time to spare the volunteer work that is provided by this organization is so very important to family and friends of those impacted by this disease. We ask that you keep those working toward a cure and those struggling with this disease in your prayers.

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