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D'Arcy Mckay's tribute page:

Lisa Stringfellow Tribute

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 4
Total Value of Gifts: $1,210.00

Recent Donors

D'Arcy McKay

Don and Linda Van Wart

Barbara Clement

Darlene Bedel

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Lisa was a shining light that dimmed too soon. She was an avid reader and a lover of the arts but also had her feet firmly planted in health and nutrition. She was a member of the Impala’s elite running team out of San Francisco and competed in one of the early all-womens triathlon’s in the Bay Area. She was a passionate runner with several marathons to her credit and countless other 10k and half-marathon events. She even did the famous Bay to Breakers race on a gurney at 8 months pregnant pushed by several runners disguised as doctors just in case things go out of control. She was caught on camera and interviewed by a local TV station and was the “talk of the town.”

Lisa was diagnosed with Alzheimer on April 21, 2013 and spent a decade fighting as hard as she could to keep her spirit and positive attitude front and center. People should not have to suffer through this terrible disease that takes everything from you... your memories, your freedom and eventually your life. We hope that someday there will be a cure. Honor her as we fight to find a cure and effective treatments for this terrible disease.

In loving memory of Lisa Stringfellow... one tough cookie

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