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Charlie Bauer's tribute page:

Lee & Joe Bauer Tribute Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 4
Total Value of Gifts: $1,230.00

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Roger & Del Iker

Leandro Gilly Quiroz


Bob and Kathy Cooper

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Joe and Lee Bauer were an amazing couple. They had been together for over 6 decades, and had the kind of close relationship that soul mates have. They had three daughters, Linda, Sally, and Nancy, and one son, Charlie, and had weathered many storms together. When Lee was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, it was shocking, terrible news for her. She had seen the ravages of the disease when her father had it. He lost the memories of his family, and she was saddened by the extreme loss that occurs in someone's mind when they suffer from Alzheimer's. She had prayed that she would not have that happen to her, so when it did, she was overwhelmed. She tried to continue doing the things she loved sewing, crossword puzzles - but slowly she began to lose those abilities. Joe took care of her through all the years of suffering and loss, trying to care for her and do the things that she no longer could remember how to do. He never complained about it, and seemed to try to maintain normality through it all. When she passed away, he was lost, as if part of him had gone with her. Again, he tried to maintain a normal life, going to church and to the golf course. He was very lonely without Lee, and often commented on it. He began to suffer with more health problems and could go out less often. He would sit in front of the television and gaze at the pictures of Lee. He wanted to be with her, as he had been for so long, throughout his life.
Now he has left us, and they are back together as he wished. We miss him very much, but we know that this is how it should be. Joe and Lee are together again. We remember them both in our hearts, and pay tribute to them in our thoughts and prayers.

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