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Total Gifts:

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Season Geary's tribute page:

Dawn's Light

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $720.00

Recent Donors

Mike Foy

Jocelyn Zinni-Leonetti

Barb & Jack Knezo

Kit & John Hagan

Brenda Altomare

Shannon, Jake & Tyler

Jim and Donna Foy

Kathi Rendall

Season Geary

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About Dawn

Dawn was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 55, but that never stopped her from bringing light and love to everyone she came into contact with.

She loved to laugh and dance and even in the final stages of the disease, she was laughing, dancing, hugging and bringing joy to others.

After 11 years of living with this dreadful disease, Dawn passed on at the age of 66.

She will live forever in our hearts and we hope that in her name, we can help others by raising awareness and funding for research which is needed to continue to work towards a cure. She would want nothing more than to help everyone she can.

Facts about Alzheimer's

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease.

The number of Americans living with Alzheimer's disease is growing - and growing fast. An estimated 5.4 million Americans of all ages had Alzheimer's disease in 2016. Of the 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer's, an estimated 5.2 million people are age 65 and older, and approximately 200,000 individuals are under age 65 (younger-onset Alzheimer's).

By 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer's disease may nearly triple, from 5.2 million to a projected 13.8 million, barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent or cure the disease.

In 2016, Alzheimer's and other dementias cost the nation $236 billion.

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