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Mela Delgado's tribute page:

Abuelita Carmen

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Abuelita Carmen, Our Own Spiritual Hummingbird

Her name was Carmen Rivera Burgos. She was my grandmother, Abuelita Carmen. Abuelita was an amazing human being, she was selfless, strong, and very funny. Growing up, she was always there for me, and for all of her family and friends. Abuelita didn't know the meaning of the word NO, this made her very generous to everyone that crossed her path. There was nothing she wouldn't do to see a smile in your face.

Abuelita had six children, two girls with disabilities. I saw how she cared, nurtured and loved these girls. They were everything to her. She never left their sides, and treated them with the same respect and acknowledgment as she did to her other children. I really admired that!

She was a humanitarian in her own right, and she fought this disease with all of her power, courage and heart. Now, I want to keep on fighting for her, and that is why I have created this honor page. To honor her, and all the Abuelita Carmen's in the world that have fought or are still fighting this terrible disease.

Alzheimer is a disease that we still don't know much about, it could be affecting me or any of our loved ones without even knowing it. That is why your generous support is so vital, so we can end Alzheimer's once and for all!

To compliment this page, I have created on my personal website:, The Hummingbird Tribute Mosaic.

Hummingbirds symbolize energy, vitality and persistence, and Native Americans believed hummingbirds were spirit messengers and stoppers of time. Even though we cannot stop the Alzheimer disease yet, we can send spiritual messages to those fighting it.

With The Hummingbird Tribute Mosaic I can create a unique Hummingbird mosaic for you to honor a loved one that has fought or is fighting Alzheimer's or any other disease.

50% of the proceeds of each mosaic I create will be donated to this honor page.

I know that my Abuelita Carmen is not gone, she will always live in my heart and in the hearts of all her family and friends. A human being like her can never be forgotten, only honored and remembered. Abuelita, you will always be my own spiritual hummingbird!

Con Amor,


* For more information about The Hummingbird Tribute Mosaic click on this link:

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