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As of January, Mom's Alzheimer's progressed to the point where she needed skilled nursing care.  This was the hardest transition because the most I could do for her was bring a donut or some ice-cream. I really missed finding the "stolen" things and fixing the TV that kept "breaking" every other day. Incontinence at the end robbed us of Sunday Brunch and Saturday manicures. These were little things that still brought her joy. Thankfully God intervened and this last leg of the journey was only a few months. The last thing I said to her minutes before she passed on Tuesday, May7th was that we were going home to Ireland.

To achieve our $5000 goal in 2024, Steve and I will match every penny of the first $2500 donated to this cause. 

Any donation large or small will help.  THANKYOU! 


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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$5,145 Raised
103% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Monica Burnett
Dell - Steven Burnett
Steven Burnett
Dell - Monica Burnett
Brian Mcgarrigle
Dougherty Family
Monica King
Peter Bakkala
James and Elaine McKenna
Donna Macauley
Matthew Cormier
May Devlin
Michael Lepore
Denise Taylor
Andrea Smith
Erik Dunbar
Dympna Farley
Michael Jones
Marie McManus
The Clark Family
Denise Taylor
Kathleen Konno
Brian Kelly
Vincent Hughes
Bob Farrell
Janine Farrell
Stanley Kielbowicz
Daniel Milton
Sean McGarrigle
Yoon Mee Zhang
Sayuri Okayasu
Top Donors
Monica Burnett
Dell - Steven Burnett
Steven Burnett
Dell - Monica Burnett
Brian Mcgarrigle

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