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Total Gifts:

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Chuck Sieloff's tribute page:

Sally J. Dudley Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 33
Total Value of Gifts: $6,735.00

Recent Donors

Joyce Shanks

Maren & James Otieno

Hunter Bell

Dana Rasmusssen

John Hickson and Sarah Babin

Gus and Mary Louise Dudley

Pat Bassett

Marialis Seehorn

Rick Schneider

Nan and Dick Karns

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Alzheimer's slowly robbed Sally of many of life's pleasures, including travel, driving, cooking, exercising, making music, meeting new people and making new friends. Still she engaged with her shrinking world with an unfailing gentleness and generosity of spirit, even while acknowledging openly that "my mind has left me." Her love of family and friends remained strong to the end, when an unexpected internal brain hemorrhage took her life on May 26, 2018, sparing her the long journey that so many Alzheimer's sufferers endure.

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