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Total Gifts:

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John Tieman's tribute page:

Patricia A. Tieman - "Nurse Pat"

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $780.00

Recent Donors

The Smiths

Patricia A Tieman - Nurse Pat

Joyce R

Stephanie Williams

Connie Shryack

Ferman (& Barb Lung) Shryack

Ferman (& Barb Lung) Shryack

Ferman (& Barb Lung) Shryack

Josh & Kim Fox

Ron & Alan

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Patricia recently lost her battle with the advanced stages of Alzheimer's and went to be with the lord. She was the mother of three, grandmother of 8, and great-grandmother of 3. In her younger years she became a hair stylist and then eventually found her true calling as nurse, starting with 2 years as a nursing aide and then transitioning into the LVN role where she served for 32 years in the several Long-Term Care nursing facilities and was well known in the community as "Nurse Pat". Eventually Alzheimer's began to affect her to the point, she no longer was able to care for others safely. We pray that the funds donated in her memory will help to find further treatment and eventually a cure for Alzheimer's.

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