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Brian Murtha's tribute page:

Nina B. Murtha

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $460.00

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Elizabeth McKenna

Epsilon Team

Karen & Marcus

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It is with great sadness that I have to say our mom passed away this morning after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. Mom was certainly a fighter. She battled and beat breast cancer, open heart surgery, metastatic cancer, and Covid. Unfortunately, Alzheimer's is not something that anyone can overcome. It is a terrible disease that destroys your mind and body. We fought hard to care for you the best we could from the day we learned your diagnosis. One of the hardest parts was that you knew something was wrong but had no idea what is was. You could not put into words what you were feeling. We would reassure you the best we could and just be there to comfort you. We know you are now at peace. We thank you for everything you have done for us all. We miss and love you mom

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