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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Kevin Fee's tribute page:

My Memory Ride 2015

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 10
Total Value of Gifts: $570.00

Recent Donors

Jesse & Darleen King

Richard & Pauline Dube

Barbara Fee Webb


Mr. & Mrs. Byron Cobb


L.D. Harry Evansville, In.

Margie Cobb


Ruth Fee

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

How could I be so arrogant, so naive, to think that I could make you aware of Alzheimer's?
This spring I spoke with my caregiver about the loss of my mom and an aunt to Alzheimer's and my plan to raise awareness. She listened with interest and then obviously affected by the thought she began to tell me about her mother. I would soon learn each person has their own story as well. It would be hard to find anyone that does not have a loved one that is suffering or has been lost to this disease. As you read this I am sure you too have someone in mind that you have lost or is now suffering.
With 44% of the population age 75-84 suffering everyone is aware. The exact cause is not known. Genetics can provide risk factors and healthy living can reduce symptoms but we really don't know how to predict or prevent it.
For generations we have accepted that you get old and you loose you mind and that's just the way it is. But does it have to be? As advances in research are made we must insist on it being applied to Alzheimer's too. I ask that you use this opportunity to use your influence by discussing, sharing and yes donate.
Memorial Day I began dedicating each mile I rode to the memory of my mom and my aunt but I still felt the need to do more. For everyone who has been and will be affected by Alzheimer's as well as their families and care givers I dedicate My Memory Ride in their memory and to honor you and I ask for your support.

Guest Book

Please use this opportunity to sign the guest book and if you want share your memory of a loved one. Any memory (good or bad) you choose to share even if that loved one did not have Alzheimer. This is for you and your memory.

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