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Total Gifts:

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Jessica Negron's tribute page:

In Memory of Maria Herminia Negron

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 4
Total Value of Gifts: $225.00

Recent Donors

Teddy Jacobus

Almy Family

Hans, Helene and Christel klockes


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This memorial was set up in memory of Maria Herminia Negron, referred to by her family as "Mami". She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in her mid sixties. Maria's loving husband took pride in keeping her at home and comfortable. He did a wonderful job at taking care of his wife of 60+ years throughout the progression as her Alzheimers worsened. She succumbed and transitioned to our heavenly father on August 11, 2018. She lived 83 years and her family misses her dearly.

Please consider donating to the Alzheimer's Foundation so that a cure can be found. Any amount is appreciated.

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