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Total Gifts:

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Patricia Rohe's tribute page:

Lorraine Sis Heagy Tribute

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $530.00

Recent Donors

Michael and Barbara Axelsson Sr.

Lorraine Heagy

Caroline Hewitt

Chris and Pat Maher

kenneth huber

Terri O'Shea

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Our mother, Lorraine Sis Heagy, was a vibrant, active, fun-loving person until the gradual onset of dementia which slowly unraveled her beautiful inner spirit. As the disease progressed, subtle changes occurred in all aspects of her life. Activities of daily living slowly deteriorated as well as her zest for life. Alzheimer/dementia diagnosis is referred to as the "long goodbye". Now, more than ever, Alzheimer/dementia research is crucial to ending this terrible disease.

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