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Stephanie Altman's tribute page:

Joyce Audrey Culbreath

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $200.00

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Joyce Culbreath

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Joyce Audrey Culbreath was a dedicated wife, mother, and nurse who cared for people her entire life. She raised her two daughters, Elaine and Lynn, while also serving her church community as the pastor's wife. Joyce was an RN at Monroe Clinic, serving the poor of Downtown Memphis. She cared for her husband, Gene, through his mental health struggles. She provided end of life care for her mother, Gladeth, and her second husband, Harry. It was the greatest joy of her life to care for her great-granddaughters, Frankie and Lexie, from birth through elementary school. When dementia robbed Joyce of her ability to care for herself, she made friends in her memory care home and helped the nurses and staff daily. She was smart, caring, and had a quick wit and uncanny sense of humor. She was loved by all and will be missed by many for years to come.

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