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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Rich Vogt's tribute page:

Jan Vogt Eclipsing Alzheimer's Tribute

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 33
Total Value of Gifts: $3,995.00

Recent Donors

Neale & Cynthia Parksons

Bob & Susan Cuvala

Impelix team

Bill & Christina D. Kramer

Jan Vogt

Titan IBC, LLC

Karen J Bergmeier

Ann and Eric Ford

Eunice Worster

Bruce & Kay Wollenburg

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Jan Vogt Eclipsed Alzheimer's by doing everything she could while she could! The cover photo shows Jan with Son Rich and Grandchildren Justin, Jessica and Ryan after chasing down the Highway over 60 miles to find the perfect blue sky's in Nebraska to watch the 2017 "Great American Eclipse"

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