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Total Gifts:

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Randy Udell's tribute page:

Jack I. Udell

Total Number of Gifts: 22
Total Value of Gifts: $3,929.00

Recent Donors


Heather and Jason Block

The Seinfeld Family

Paige Gabay

Jeff Mandler

Nick Mau

Tom and Elizabeth Ward

Nathan Mandler

Atty. Howard J Vogel

Rennert Vogel Mandler & Rodriguez

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Our Dad suffered from dementia, which impacted his memory severely. Talking on the phone was a huge part of his life and in his final year, he started to forget his own kids' phone numbers, phone numbers he dialed for +20 years daily. The confusion progressed and began to impact his physical well being, leading to multiple falls. Our dad ultimately suffered a series of infections, that took away his ability to speak and swallow. We want to raise awareness and support for this terrible disease.

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