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Total Gifts:

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Karen Pritchard's tribute page:

Glenda Helen Hauck

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $540.00

Recent Donors

James Hanley

The Ladies of Women's Free State Racing


Lynn Malir

Kim McChesney

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

My mother, Glenda passed away Aug. 16, 2020 after her battle with dementia. She was a vibrant, outgoing, adventurous person. She loved being outdoors doing anything. She was a successful real estate agent for over 35 years.
She was diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia and at first had trouble finding words. This progressed over time to not finding the words at all. It was hard to see her struggle. This disease affects many people and putting money towards finding help for this disease will benefit many.

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