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William Romine's tribute page:

Bill Romine

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 16
Total Value of Gifts: $1,550.00

Recent Donors

Mike, Shell, Erika & Josh Yoder

The McFarland 'gang'

Ron Tate & Liz Vanderhider

C&W Services Marketing Team

The Morrison's and families

The Lynn Family

Brent Bowman

William Romine

The Palenscar Family

Michael & Diana Wenrich

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This is a call for HELP. Fight. Advocate. Donate.

“One of the hardest things you will ever have to do, my dear, is grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.” Heidi Dellaire

Offered from a caregiver’s perspective, the story of Bill Romine (my Dad) is one of a humble and hardworking man who enjoyed a remarkably healthy life prior to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and ultimately, his death. He lived to be 90 years old which is a milestone. Alzheimer’s robbed him of significant quality in the latter part of those years.

Alzheimer’s disease takes its toll not only on the person afflicted but on everyone around them too. Nothing in life prepared me for the journey and struggle to simply keep my Dad SAFE, let alone as healthy, happy and peaceful as he could possibly be. The moment to moment battle for something as simple as personal safety was all consuming.

Please HELP. Fight. Advocate. Donate.

There is NO PREVENTION. There is NO TREATMENT. There is NO CURE.

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